Sura vann & scouternas insidehistorier om spelare: ”Bad character, party animal and a mental mess”

Roligt för Sura med säsongens första seger borta mot Kumla, 2-3. Pigge och tekniske forwarden Robin Bringsén blev stor hjälte med tre mål och enligt rapporter var Sura riktigt bra. Att VIK relativt enkelt slog Sura kanske var en större bedrift än vi trott?


Har ju haft en del kontakter med NHL-meriterade scouter genom åren. Oftast har de haft rätt, ibland helt fel om vissa spelare och ibland har jag fått info om spelare som jag inte kunnat skriva. Tänkte bjuda på lite inside hur olika spelare beskrivs i den tuffa proffsvärlden:

  • Bad character, party animal, decent offensive ECHL D. Not a guy I would recommend.
  • Can`t play anymore, has already peaked, not Allsvenskan material.
  • This player is totally screwed up, last summer his father had to hold his hand in summer for him to come over to Europe.
  • He will struggle to find a team, age, salary demands and charcter issues.
  • I´m still chocked that they have taken him, the other guy who can´t play D, is a Selke-candidate compared to him.
  • Mind-boggling to say the least, it that the defensively solid C they wanted to get? He can’t even spell defense, only guy who is less interested at it is his relative. He is a mental mess. Would be very surprised if he lasts long.
  • I can’t see a team giving him another contract, he should hang ’em up.
  • Every time he carries the puck up ice, it seems as if this is a situation he has never encountered before.”
  • Am not a fan o him, very awkward skater. Would not have signed him. He wanted 100 orginally but had to settle for about 75 I guess. Have watched him 4 x, never liked him enough. Tries hard though but is slow and really not a physical player despite his size. Does not want to be better.
  • No, he would not be a good fit in the Allsvenskan as he is a very poor skater.
  • I just heard yesterday that he is a bit of a spoiled brat and comes from a rich family.
  • I wonder if he would recommend that dog.
  • Terrible signing – five teams last season, awful with all of them. Avoids contact like the plague. Happy if he gets a point, does not care about the team.
  • He is soft and lazy.
  • As I told you before, he is a bad apple. Very selfish and moody.
  • Singled out as being out of shape and not living a healthy life.

Finns många fler, men då måste det grävas i arkiven. Hoppas Patrik Zetterberg undviker de värsta minorna…